Washington SR22 Costs
Find Cheap SR22 Insurance Quotes
Whether your current insurer will file an SR-22 for you or not, one of the easiest ways to make sure you’re getting the most affordable SR-22 coverage is to compare quotes from multiple companies, which is something we can do for you.
Every insurance company treats tickets and accidents differently. To find out how much an SR-22 insurance policy will actually cost you, you will need to get a personalized SR22 car insurance quote. SR22 Insurance Quotes are Mid-Columbia Insurance’s specialty. We can do the shopping for you.
It costs you nothing to get a free SR22 insurance quote. Get your free quote by calling us at (509)783-5600 or fill out the quote form and we will get the quote started and call you. Our goal is to help you find affordable coverage that meets your needs quickly and efficiently. Whether you need assistance with questions or guidance through the process, our friendly team is here to help every step of the way. Don’t wait—contact us today for cheap SR22 insurance quotes and get back on the road with peace of mind!
How much does SR-22 insurance cost?
An SR-22 filing usually just adds about $25 to the 6-month premium of an auto insurance policy, so an SR-22 should add less than $5 per month with most insurance companies. This extra premium is really just a service charge for handling notifications to the Department of Licensing that you have insurance and notifying them if it cancels.
However, the violation(s) that resulted in you needing an SR-22 will affect your car insurance premium. In short, it’s your driving record — not the SR22 — that will raise your rates. If you happen not to have any tickets or accidents in the last 3 years, then the SR-22 won’t cost you much more.
How Much Does SR-22 Insurance Cost a Month in Washington?
SR22 insurance is actually cheap. It is your driving record that is expensive.
As can be seen in the table below, SR-22 insurance for a 30-year-old male with a DUI can range from $83.75 to $43.32 per month depending on where you live in Washington.
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How Much Does SR22 Insurance Cost Near Me?
The chart below shows the average monthly car insurance cost by city for SR-22 insurance for a 30-year-old single male with one DUI:
City | Zip Code | Price |
Seattle | 98104 | $83.58 |
Spokane | 99201 | $64.54 |
Tacoma | 98407 | $78.47 |
Vancouver | 98663 | $68.62 |
South Bend | 98586 | $50.81 |
Ritzville | 99169 | $48.90 |
Stevenson | 98648 | $59.27 |
Yakima | 98903 | $52.47 |
Kirkland | 98033 | $75.59 |
Bellingham | 98226 | $62.16 |
Kennewick | 99336 | $50.77 |
Auburn | 98002 | $83.75 |
Pasco | 99301 | $50.77 |
Redmond | 98053 | $75.59 |
Richland | 99352 | $50.77 |
Shoreline | 98177 | $78.30 |
Walla Walla | 99362 | $50.77 |
Ellensburg | 98926 | $52.47 |
Prosser | 99350 | $50.77 |
Colville | 99114 | $48.90 |
Pomeroy | 99347 | $43.32 |
Asotin | 99402 | $44.15 |
Republic | 99166 | $48.90 |
Remember, the rates shown are averages and can be used for comparison purposes. Your personal rates will vary based on your rating factors such as where you live, your age, your driving history, the type of car(s) you drive, etc.
Get Insured Today!
If you are need an SR22, call and talk to one of our insurance professionals directly at (509)783-5600 or fill out the quote form and we will get the quote started and call you. We are happy to offer straightforward advice and discuss your insurance options. Our team is here to assist you every step of the way, ensuring you get the coverage you need without any unnecessary stress. We specialize in providing SR22 insurance Washington services, helping you meet state requirements quickly and efficiently. Contact us today to explore affordable options tailored to your specific situation.